Friday, February 12, 2010

I have a bird feeder and pesty cats that kill the birds, how can I get these neighbors cats out of my yard?

Check with animal control to see what the leash law is regarding at-large cats. Make animal control aware of your problem. You should be able to borrow a trap from them.

A cat rescue says that white vinegar sprayed around your yard will keep the cats away, haven't tried it myself. I've pretty well taken care of the cat problem with traps and trips to the humane society.

Your feeders should be a minimum of 5 ft. off the ground. They should be near trees for protective cover and away from shrubs/bushes that could hide predators.

If you're at home during the day, your garden hose can be a great ally, especially if you have good water pressure and nozzle. Cats dislike being wet and you can reach one 12 - 15 ft away with a good stream (not spray) from your hose. Doesn't take long for them to figure out your place is not a convenient snack stop.

You've got a few weapons at your disposal, use them. BTW, your complaint emphasizes the cause of a 20% decrease in the song bird population nationwide, cats.


Poster above is quite correct, NO poisons! The trapping is OK as long as animal control knows about, they appreciate help in controlling cats, at least the ones in my city do.I have a bird feeder and pesty cats that kill the birds, how can I get these neighbors cats out of my yard?
Get a dog and let him sleep under the bird house. : )I have a bird feeder and pesty cats that kill the birds, how can I get these neighbors cats out of my yard?

I was having this problem some time back also. Although my problem was related to birdhouses, I think the same methods can be applied to your bird feeder too. At first I thought the cats were curious at my new birdhouse but then they started attacking the birds !

I found some resources on the net on this problem. This is my what I did, hope it helps.

First, I relocated my bird house to be further away from the trees or any other objects that the cats can use to climb on and leap onto the birdhouse or bird feeder in your case. I used to put the birdhouse beneath a tree so the cats were climbing onto the tree and onto the birdhouse. Situating the birdhouse away from the tree minimized the cats attacks.

Second, I mounted the birdhouse on high metal poles. I went to the hardware store and got them cut to the desired length that I want. Since metal is quite slippery, it makes it hard for the cats to climb to the birdhouse.

Third, for the initial week of making the changes, I noticed the cats were still coming. They are quite persistent aren't they ? My garden has a water jet for flowering the plants. Whenever the cats came near, I shot them with a jet of water. Soon after about a week of doing this, they didn't come anymore since they don't like getting wet that much.

I followed some of the steps in this birdhouse blog I found at How To Build Bird Houses or Buy Birdhouses located at .. maybe you can go there and have a look. Seems like they are going to put up some bird feeder information too.

But whatever you do, do not put out poisons or traps for these cats !
get a shotgun and blow the cats head off. i hate cats as you can probably tell.
call animal control and have it picked up!
Call your city officials - the office where you would purchase a dog license if you had a dog. Ask them what the leash laws are, and if they apply to cats as well as dogs.

If you find it is illegal for cats to be roaming free, then report your neighbor, and have animal control pick the cats up and take them to a shelter, where the owners willl have to pay a fine to reclaim them.

If it is not illegal for cats to roam free, try to get legislation passed to include cats in the leash laws. Otherwise, there isn't much you can do, except continue to chase the cats whenever you see them.
cat repellent and animal shelters that will capture those cats and give them up for adoption..
try hanging the bird feeders higher so the cats can't reach them.
set out cat traps XD!! or make your bird feeder a little higher off the ground. Make it so that the cat's can not reach the birds. That should do the trick.
I have a problem with cats in our neighborhood. Our lease law applies to cats, too, but no one ever reports them. But there are cats that keep spraying a bush by my front porch, which also has birds that sleep in it all night . I finally got pissed and called the county animal control. They brought me a live cage. So far we've caught 2 cats. Animal control comes and picks them up. People get cats and think they are so sweet. They let them outside and they get into all kinds of trouble. If you own a cat, keep the dang thing in the house. Same with dogs. Keep them in your yard or house.
Seriously, cats have been hunting birds long before you or i came along, it's a survival instinct, we all have it... What would you do in order to use yours...The majestical thing about it is; if you have time to feed and watch the birds, take the same interest in how the cat stalks and feeds on the bird...Our inteligence does not exceed the intelligence of what lies right in front of our eyes in the mask of a pet....

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