Sunday, February 7, 2010

What is a good mixture or recipe for a humming bird feeder?

What is a good mixture or recipe for a humming bird feeder?

I would like to make my own humming bird mixture but am a little concerned. I have heard that mildew can kill the birds.

What is a good mixture for them? Is honey or syrup better than sugar?What is a good mixture or recipe for a humming bird feeder?
You should mix 3 parts water to 1 part sugar. Be sure to keep it refrigerated. Sugar is the best to use. Just make small amounts so that it doesn't go bad. Be sure to clean your feeder each time that you refill it and your hummers will be fine.What is a good mixture or recipe for a humming bird feeder?
I don't know the right proportions, but they like it sweet red, and fresh. Don't start it unless you are gonna keep it up, because they will remember your house and come out of the way to look for some of your nectar. Don't disappoint them.
First cut the hummingbirds head off, then pluck all the feathers. Now it is time to field-dress it. Cut off the feet, and using a sharp paring knife make a cut from the bottom of the breast bone to the tail. Remove all internal organs and suck untill you have a clean bird. Now it's time to start cooking...I prefer to stuff my humminbird with a wild-rice dressing, but you can use cornbread, or a turkey stuffing recipe. After you stuff the bird use a little butchers twine to close it up by tying the legs together. Hummingbirds are small enough to be deep-fried in 350 degree oil for about 7 minutes. Season with salt and pepper as soon as you pull t out from the oil. Let stand for 5 minutes, then it's Bon Appetit!!!

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