Friday, February 5, 2010

Squirrels at the bird feeder They are eating all the suet?

I bought a sweet corn suet log.for the squirrels. but they just don't seem interested. Any suggestions?Squirrels at the bird feeder They are eating all the suet?
Several ways to keep squirrels out of the bird feeders - first, put hot pepper flakes in the bird food - birds don't mind (in fact, some love the hot peppers) and the squirrels (supposedly) won't touch them!

Other way - use exclusionary feeders - two different kinds. One works on gravity and weight - when a heavy bird or squirrel gets on, the feeding holes close, so they can't get to the feed. Other exclusionary feeders simply surround the feeder with wire that is too small for squirrels and large birds to reach through, whild allowing the small song birds access to the feed.

You can see some here:鈥?/a>

Then there is the ';roller'; feeder, that rolls the squirrels right off - ';Humorous squirrel powered rolling mechanics harmlessly ejects %26amp; befuddles squirrels %26amp; keeps larger nuisance birds off while catering to native songbirds'; at the bird feeder They are eating all the suet?
take the bird feeder out and leave the corn for the squirls.
Squirrels are relentless - I tried luring mine away with those corn sticks but they just devoured the corn first and went for the seed second.

Try switching to seeds (there are mixes they don't like; sometimes it's indicated on the bag) but beware that your mix of birds might change with the seeds. The other option is to put vaseline on the chain or pole that your feeder is mounted on - this will keep them away as long as it's greased.

They're tricky though - it's tough to keep them away, but good luck!

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