There are several things on the market to stop this, my favorite is a basin style hummingbird feeder. The classic feeder has the nectar above the feeding ports, right? Well, this forces the nectar to the tips of the ports where the bees can reach it. A basin feeder has the nectar below the ports, so the birds dip their beaks in, and the bees can't reach it. Check out this site. You can buy these types of feeders on the net or in a lot of outdoor stores.How can I keep the honey bee's from robbing my humming bird feeder?
Are you sure they are honey bees? That sounds like alot of bees - they must be constantly swarming in order to drink up that much nectar. Is it possible that it's a squirrel that's doing the heavy drinking and the bees are taking the blame for it?
Hey if I were you I would get to the bee hive an spray it with wasp killer but that's because I hate bees try moving the bird feeder. :)
buy a bee trap. bees go in and dont come out.
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