After reading some of the answers .....Because I have not a clue......I would go with it being an Oriole..........From your description that what it sounds like ..............Try for getting a picture ...............If you do find out could you post the answer for us ..........ThanksWhat kind of med. size brown bird with a long beak would be eating from my humming bird feeder?
Yeah ....He's already on the animal controls most wanted list ........I'd be Camera shy too.............Thanks for the B / A,,,,,
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Perhaps an Oriole, they like nectar and other sweet things. The female is more of a brown color, and the male is brown and orange.
A hummingbird, there are some brown ones, probably a female.
I think it is called a bully bird.
I just can't picture this one, so I guess I don't have a clue, just a smart-aleky answer.
Barack Obama?
Possibly a baby loon or a gull? Don't know what to tell ya, honey, try to get a picture of it.....
I don't have a clue unless it is of the humming bird family..If you find out please post it, now I am curious LOL as I love humming birds.
i have no idea
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