Sunday, February 7, 2010

How long does it take birds to start using a new bird feeder?

Depends how hungry they are, how many species live in your area (are you in a rural area or a city) and how much other food is around in the environment.

Its not good putting bird feeders out in the Spring/Summer, birds don't need supplementary feeding really unless the weather is cold. If you put a mesh peanut feeder or tube seed feeder out in September then you should find a few species of bird using it within 2-3 days. If you put one out now then chances are they won't use it as there is natural food available, dandelion and other weed seeds for example.

From September - April I put out good quality bird seed in tube feeders and on a table plus 2 peanut feeders, a nyger feeder (for goldfinches/siskins) and fat cakes in the really cold weather. Plus crumbled bread, sultanas and pastry for robins/wrens and apples for the blackbirds.

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