Sunday, February 7, 2010

How can I shape a homemade bird feeder into a non-traditional shape (i.e. a life size body)? *It's for an art

For art class, I wanted to make a bird seed struture in the shape of life size body parts (arms, legs, etc). Online, I can only find tips to dip toliet paper rolls, bagels, etc, but it's not big enough. Is there any way I use bird caging or non toxic plaster to form the based for the peanutbutter and seeds? Any ideas? I need help!How can I shape a homemade bird feeder into a non-traditional shape (i.e. a life size body)? *It's for an art
suet is a lard based bird food that is high energy. It is normally made up while the lard is still warmish and allowed to cool in molds. If you have molds for the body parts in question, the whole thing could be made of bird seed, raisens and lard.

I'm not sure, but you may be able to shape the lard like a very greasy clay as well.

This site talks about what suet is and different options for using with bird feeders.

Suet can also be served to the birds in a wire cage. you could use chicken wire and fill it with suet --the birds would peck at the suet between the openings in the wire.

If you use wire for your armature you could probably make a thick paste of the peanut butter and seeds to slather on it - but it would be hard to get the stuff to stick to the wire.

Maybe if you wire together bundles of pine cones to make the body and extremities and head -- then the pine cones would be a better surface for the mixture to be spread on.

One option would be to bake bread into the shapes you want (let the bread get a bit stale, so it is sturdier) and then coat it in seed mixture.

you could also try making a bamboo armature. The string up mesh bags of bird feed and suet along the armature to ';plump'; it up to people proportions.

Here are recipies

I hope this works.How can I shape a homemade bird feeder into a non-traditional shape (i.e. a life size body)? *It's for an art
You can buy a roll of quarter inch mesh at the hardware store. (It's also called hardware cloth) It will stand up by itself but it can also be shaped. Use tinsips and pliers to cut and shape it the way you want, then use craft wire to tie on mesh balls that you can fill with suet. You could also add fruit slices for the features, because some birds like fruit.


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