Friday, February 5, 2010

Need tips for stopping chipmunks from feeding at bird feeder.?

We put some wire caging around the tube-style bird feeder that allows the smaller birds to feed yet stops the larger birds from feeding, but the chipmunks get in and eat lots of bird seed. Any suggestions on how to stop chipmunks from using the tube bird feeder?Need tips for stopping chipmunks from feeding at bird feeder.?
Went to the Twirl a squirrel site, what a contraption, LMAO

Gave the answerer a star!Need tips for stopping chipmunks from feeding at bird feeder.?
For awhile dont fill the feeder, then the chipmunks will move on to greener pastures, I WOULD THINK!
I put 6'; stove pipe around the feeder post. They can't climb it.
get this contraption called ';twirl a squirrel';鈥?/a>
Buy this type of product (I'm sure you can get it at a local pet shop):鈥?/a>
Sit and wait for them, when you see one BLAST IT!!!
If you don't want them feeding at the bird feeder, then put food out for them in different spot. Chipmunks are also called ground squirrels because they are not fond of climbing trees they way their bigger brothers are.

If the chipmunks aren't causing other problems for you then feed them so they won't have a need to interfere with your bird watching. That's what we do and everyone's happy.
Some people use cayenne pepper in the seed; I've not tried it. This is what I do for squirrels and should work for chipmunks as well, if you have a place for the feeder where they cannot jump to it.

They cannot climb on PVC pipe, too slick for a foothold. Because I like to move things all the time, I use what can be temporary but is stable. Drive two 6-ft metal fence posts in the ground side by side (two, not one, for stability). Set a 6-foot length of 4-inch PVC pipe over them; black is best as it visually blends in to the landscape better. Fasten your feeder to the bottom of a toilet flange (that would be the side that usually fastens to the floor). Set the flange on the PVC pipe, do not glue it so you can remove it for cleaning. Be certain not to have anything nearby for the critters to climb on and jump over. To remove it or move it, simply pull up the metal fenceposts.

In your case, fasten your wire caging and tube feeder to a piece of wood and fasten that to the flange.

Several years ago, I purchased a lovely gazebo bird feeder and asked the male friend who went with me how I would ever fasten it to the ';post;'; he suggested the toilet flange. It works beautifully, only birds can get there. Of course, your pipe and toilet flange must be the same size (either 4'; or 6';, 4'; is more common).

It you are an artsy person, you can use white or green pipe and paint it with vines, flowers, whatever, but black seems better because our mind's eye looks past it more than other colors. Also, painting it would give the critters some traction and defeat the purpose of using the PVC.

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