play 'Four and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie' to them repeatedly.How can I keep blackbirds off the bird feeder without scaring the others off?
Keep birds away from a bird feeder? Isn't that counterproductive? Odd, but you might try changing the feed you are using. Something in there the blackbirds like. Try something different. Most feed stores have quite a few varieties of bird feeds. Give it a go.
I have always thought apartheid birdfeeders have gone out of style.
Blackbirds, crows, and grackles eat cracked corn and millet. If you remove those as a food source the birds won't have anything to eat. Try using Black Niger seed and sunflower seeds only. This should keep the black birds away and attract most of the songbirds. This is what I use and have a small number of blackbirds and such on my feeder. There will still be a few that come and eat but not as many. Also try and put another feeder just with cracked corn and millet far away from the songbird feeder. This way the blackbirds can still eat and they'll leave your other feeder alone. Good Luck!!!
Do you have an open feeder with no top? If so that is the problem, you may have to rig up some kind of top for the feeder that is low enough to keep them out, I have one open feeder for the blackbirds, crows and cow birds, and another feeder that has a low roof to feed the the smaller birds, I really don't mind the black birds, it is the cowbirds, they lay their eggs in other birds nests and let the smaller birds hatch their eggs, and the cowbirds young grow faster than the smaller bird when they hatch, and root the smaller baby birds out of the nest...I would much rather have the black birds then the cowbirds, however they do go thru the feed at an alarming rate.
Hope this helps you out, Good Luck
Why would you want to keep blackbirds away?
The only way would be to put food they don't like out or stay near and chase them away but not the others.
here birdie, birdie, birdie, birdie, here birdie, oops i mean only pretty birdie. I am prejudice i only want the birds i think are pretty. If you want to ';select'; the wild birds that you want to feed, then put the feeder away and stop feeding them all. Seriously, think about it. what kind of question it that anyway?
hire a ';birdieguard'; :-D (sorry couldn't resist!)
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